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an old dog can not learn new tricks
老狗学不出新把戏  detail>>
an old dog can’t learn new tricks
老狗,学不了新招  detail>>
an old dog cannot learn new tricks
老狗难改吠声 老狗学不出新把戏  detail>>
teach an old dog new tricks
使守旧的人接受新事物  detail>>
you can’t teach all old dog new tricks
别教老狗学新招  detail>>
look for the old so as to learn the new
温故而知新  detail>>
learn the tricks of
学习的窍门  detail>>
an old dog barks not in vain
老狗不乱咬/老年人做事有经验 时机失了无法挽回  detail>>
an old dog bites sore
老犬不空吠  detail>>
an old woman dog church
老的妇人  detail>>
old tricks
惯用伎俩  detail>>
an old idea in a new guise
老观念新面貌  detail>>
an old word in a new sense
旧字新义  detail>>
new story of an old soldier
老兵新传  detail>>
learn the tricks of the trade
学到做生意的门路  detail>>
and an old guitar is all he can afford
而他的老吉他都可以  detail>>
be (old) dog at
对…有经验;对…很内行  detail>>
old dog
工作卖力的人 老狗 老家伙 上了岁数的人老手  detail>>